List of Expedia Customer Service Numbers

List of Expedia Service Email Address

Expedia Service Postal Address

  • Expedia Customer Service Angel Building, The, 407 St John St, London EC1V 4EX, United Kingdom

Expedia customer service

If you want to book a flight, hotel, or car with Expedia, you can simply call their Expedia customer service number at 0203 788 0445. This Expedia customer care number can be used to cancel the bookings. You can even use live chat option by clicking at Expedia customer service chat tab. If you want to know about Airline initiated changes in Expedia schedule, you can call on their toll free number 0203 564 0872. The customers staying outside UK can use the same number to know about this information.

Expedia Nectar Points

If you are having queries regarding missing nectar points, you can call on their Expedia Nectar customer service number 0344 811 0811. You need to tell your nectar card number and travel information when they ask.

Expedia cancel booking

You may change your mind after making booking with Expedia. Whether it is a flight booking or hotel booking or a car booking, you can always cancel it afterwards. You need to first sign into Expedia Sign In Page or if you do not have account with Expedia, create it and then sign in to their official website. After signing in go to Expedia My Trips page and choose cancel booking option. If you have any further questions, feel free to call on their Expedia cancel reservation number 0203 788 0445. You can even make changes instead of cancelling the bookings. You need to go to bookings section and select change reservation option.

Expedia Head office London

You can easily connect with Expedia Head office London for resolving your issues. You can call anytime at Expedia head office contact number 0203 564 5165 and resolve your issue. You can even write to them your inquiry at their Expedia head office address given below:

Angel Building, The, 407 St John St, London EC1V 4EX, United Kingdom

Expedia car rental manage booking

You can opt for Expedia car booking either on phone or online. You need to call at Expedia car booking number 0203 788 0445 for getting Expedia car rental service. Expedia also provides AIG travel guard insurance service to their customers. If you have any detailed queries regarding this Expedia car rental excess waiver, you need to call at 0127 374 0890.

Expedia Airline contact number

You can contact the respective airline and ask for the required help. You need to visit Expedia Airline telephone number page and choose the airline and click on call.

Expedia Itinerary number

If you forgot your itinerary number or want to review it, you need to make a call at Expedia Itinerary number (toll-free) 1 866 310 5768. If you want to call from abroad, you need to use their abroad number 1 404 728 8787.