Wise Driving complaints

Wise Driving aims to provide high quality service to their customers. But there is always a possibility that they may not meet your expectations. You can always complain about the issues you are facing by calling Wise Driving complaints number. Wise Driving complaints number is 0173 330 8358. You can complaint about any service about which you are not satisfied. You can even file a written complaint at Wise Driving complaints address given below:

 iGO4 House, Staniland Way, Peterborough, PE4 6JT

You can also call Wise Driving claims number 0333 241 9566 which is available 24 hours if you have complaints regarding Wise Driving claims.

Wise Driving complaints procedure

Your complaint will be resolved usually within 3 days of its receipt. If for any reason it is not resolved, they will continue to investigate the matter further. You will be updated regularly about your complaint and maximum 8 weeks will be taken to resolve it completely. If still you are not satisfied with the Wise Driving complaints department solution, you can take the matter further to FOS.

  • Your Wise Driving Complaint

  • Submit Your Wise Driving

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Fill this Wise Driving complaints form.

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