If you are not happy with the services provided by Argos, you can complain it by calling Argos complaints contact number 0345 640 2020. The call can be made anytime between 8 AM-8 PM on any day of the week. A written complaint can be filed at the following Argos complaints address:
Argos Limited, Royal Avenue, Widnes, WA8 8HS
You can even file your complaints through Argos complaints Facebook login. You need to login with your id and you can connect with Argos. Similarly, you can complaint through Twitter also by log in with your id at this page.
If you are facing issues in using Argos Card and you want to complain about it, you can do it through phone by calling Argos card complaints number 0345 640 0700 between 8 AM-6 PM from Monday to Saturday and between 10 AM-6 PM on Sunday. Another way to file a complaint against Argos card is by sending an email at Argos complaints email address [email protected]. The customers can even send their complaint through the post at the following Argos complaints address:
Home Retail Group Card Services Ltd, PO Box 211 Huddersfield HD8 1FA
Your complaint will be resolved within 8 weeks and in case delay happens, you will be informed about it and the reason behind such delay with proper reason. Argos complaints department will let you know when you need to contact further to Financial Ombudsman to resolve your complaint. The Financial Ombudsman will resolve your complaint impartially and you can contact them by calling at 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123. You can even contact them at the following address:
Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower Harbour Exchange Square London E14 9SR
The customers who wish to contact through email can send an email at [email protected].
If you want to complain about Argos pet insurance, you can either login to Argos pet portal or call at Argos pet insurance complaints number 0344 543 1053. Your complaint will be heard and appropriate solution will be given. You can even write your complaint at Argos pet insurance complaints address:
Argos Pet Insurance, Customer Relations Department, Pinnacle House, A1 Barnet Way, Borehamwood, WD6 2XX
Generally your complaint will be resolved in 4 working days and solution will be communicated to you. Otherwise you will be intimated through a letter acknowledging your complaint along with the reason of delay. You will be updated continuously about the status of your complaint. It will take maximum 8 weeks to resolve your complaint. If not resolved or you are not happy with the solution, you can go to the Financial Ombudsman Service.