Canceling EDF Energy services

Here is a guide on how to cancel EDF services step by step as you switch to another service provider. You can get information about Cancel EDF energy services from this page.

Cancel Edf Energy Account

EDF regrets to see you leave, and we would be glad if there is anything can be done to make you remain with us. On this page, you will find all the information that concerns your closing of the EDF energy account. Here are important things you need to know if you plan to close your account with EDF energy.

  1. You shouldn’t consider EDF Direct Debit cancellation
  2. When to get your EDF final bill
  3. Why there is no need for you to send EDF energy final meter reading
  4. How to track your new switch Supplier

EDF Meter Reading

  1. It is not a requirement for you to give out your meter reading as you carry on with EDF cancel switch services elsewhere.
  2. The process is very swift and after you stop using EDF services, your new service provider will require you for an opening meter reading and later pass it on to EDF energy.
  3. After successfully finding your new supplier, you are going to open a new account with your previous EDF meter reading. Your meter reading sent to EDF is the one used to completely close your account.
  4. You can cancel EDF Energy by sending this cancellation form and send it to EDF Energy postal address: free post to: EDF ENERGY – PLYMOUTH
  5. You can also cancel by calling this EDF free cancellations number: 0808 101 5188 (working times are: Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm)
  6. You can also cancel your EDF Energy contract by sending an email to the EDF cancellation team: [email protected]
  7. If you have a new contract and like to cancel, then you have 14 days cooling period. You can cancel your contract in that time frame.

When Will I Get EDF Final Bill?

You can get all the information on this page related to EDF meter reading issues

  1. You are supposed to receive the EDF final bill within six weeks after switching your services to the new supplier.
  2. If you switch to a new supplier includes both electricity and gas, EDF may send you the final bill of both fuels.
  3. Normally, for you to receive the final bill of each fuel, it’s after we get the closing meter readings for both your gas and electricity at different times.
  4. Whether you are using EDF services online or through my EDF app, you should receive any information related to your bill when the company deems necessary according to their system setup. You should also note that the final bill is sent to you either after switching services from EDF energy or if you moved house to a different address.

EDF Energy Cancel Direct Debit

  1. If you pay using Direct Debit, you should never cancel Direct Debit as EDF can help you simplify the process for you and you have to leave everything for them to handle.
  2. EDF Energy prefers you leave your Direct Debit account active, to allow them to send you the final bill which is normally sent within 6 weeks from the day you cancel EDF energy account to switch to your new supplier.
  3. Any outstanding EDF balance will automatically be debited from your account
  4. If EDF has your money shall be refunded within 14 days after closing your Direct Debit account.
  5. After the final amount you owe EDF Energy is settled, all your bank details will be removed from the system.

 EDF Cancel Switch (Progress)

  1. The process of tracking your EDF switch progress is very swift and you only need to keep the track of your switch in “MyAccount.” In case you have not yet registered for MyAccount, you are advised to do so as you still have time. You can do so on this MyAccount registration page.
  2. What you are required to have is your postcode plus your Energy account number to complete the whole registration process.
  3. The EDF cancel switch process is simple whether having a normal EDF account or EDF my business.
  4. For more information about EDF cancel switch to another supplier, here is where to look for as a new energy supplier.

EDF Cancellation Number and email

  1. If you want to cancel your EDF services, you can contact support through this number 0808 101 5188
  2. or send an email to [email protected]